Groups & Shops

Sailor Moon [Сейлор Мун]
Сигареты-папиросы из разных стран (Local cigarettes brands exchange group)
Postcards sent between us - low number of persons, but active :)

Top countries


From Malaysia / Kuala Lumpur / Petaling Jaya

Rating: 9678


Postcards 1092 818
Souvenirs 98 88
Group Postages 691 461

Personal Info

Real Name Mazlina
Sex Female
Date Of Birth Mar 6, 1969

Exchange Preferences

Hello everyone.

My name is Mazlina but my friends call me Mazz. You can call me that too.

Postcrossing has brought me joy and happiness in many ways.
I have made a lot of friends, and this is a wonderful postcard exchange site, except for the many inactive accounts.

Sometimes it will take me longer to get into the site as it has some issues on my end, but I try my best to be here when I can.

In some places, there is a postage increase, so do what you think is most suitable.
Envelope or without envelope, is fine with me.
Whichever is the easiest for you.

But please, if by any chance I have missed registering your postcard, let me know.
IntPostage does not work all the time and when it does not, I separate all the cards until I can register them again.
The site might work well in Russia but not to us in Asia.

I like :

Russian City Series especially from
Cats – I love beautiful drawings of cats.
Owls, Birds – also drawings if possible.
Anything by Katya Dudnik, Katya Babok, Rina Zeniuk, Nadia Strelkina, Anett Loginova, Irina Garmashova
Lambs, Cows, Sheep
Trains and Locomotives
Your Culture : Traditional Dress or Dance

Be well, stay happy and always be kind to those around you.
