Groups & Shops

๑۩۩๑Interchange of surprises in the envelope ஐ Обмен сюрпризами в конверте๑۩۩๑
Stamp+Related/Special Postmark

Top countries


From United States / Texas / Milford

Rating: 1854


Postcards 239 319
Souvenirs 45 114
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Darla
Sex Female
Date Of Birth Jul 13, 1959


I am widowed, have 2 children, 4 grandchildren, 3 cats and 3 dogs. I am retired and enjoy spending my time trading postcards, shopping at flea markets, antique stores and resale shops, working in the yard, sewing and doing crafts. I am very interested in learning about your country and your life.

If you have mailed me a postcard or souvenir and I have not registered it, please send me the number and I will go ahead and register it. I don't want to hold you up from getting another address because whatever you sent is either lost or going around the world before it gets to me. Thanks, Darla

Exchange Preferences

I like postcards that show sights in your area, but I also like other postcards too, so any postcard you choose to send to me will be great. When I send souvenirs, the items have to be flat or the post office charges a fortune to send it. The type of items I send are magnets, small US or Texas flags, handkerchiefs, tea bags, stickers, part of a newspaper, sale ads, a page from a magazine, receipts, recipes, coins or postcards. I would be happy to receive the same type of items from your country.
