Groups & Shops

Freedom & Peace & Victory 4 Ukraine
book with your hands (mobile notebook)

Top countries


From United States / Virginia / Linden

Rating: 1004


Postcards 146 176
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Stephanie
Sex Female
Date Of Birth Apr 1, 1980




I am a tired mom of 4 boys! My boys range from 19 years old to 4 years old. I am tired but happy. I love being a mom.
I also run a business on the side: Feel free to check it out. If you have questions let me know. ;)

We started out sending postcards as a way to learn about different countries. Now I am the only one who usually sends them- although my 4 year old loves getting mail and looking at the different pictures.
When I'm not teaching the kids (we homeschool), running to soccer practices, martial art classes, or scouting events I enjoy crocheting or knitting in the winter. In the summer I read, cross - stitch, & sew. And of course I send postcards all the time! Lol I belong to several different postcard groups so it would be helpful if you put the postcard site on the card.

I like lighthouses, beach scenes, Scout related, butterflies, flowers, animals (especially horses & rabbits or bunnies), PEANUTS, Christmas (my FAVORITE holiday), cooking/recipes, mountains, and any unique ones too! I LOVE stamps!

We really don't have any requests as to the type/picture of the postcard but it would be really nice if you could include some writing in your language and what it means in English.

If you would like to get involved in another postcard project please consider helping school age kids learn about your country or state. All you have to do is send a postcard back if someone sends one to you and tell them facts about your state or country. If you have access to facebook go to the following for more information:
If you don't have access to facebook or want more information please email

Thank you!

Exchange Preferences

I like lighthouses, beach scenes, Scout related, butterflies, flowers, animals (especially horses & rabbits or bunnies), PEANUTS, Christmas (my FAVORITE holiday), cooking/recipes, mountains, and any unique ones too! I LOVE stamps!
