Our service allows you to exchange postcards and souvenirs with other users.
In order to use this serivce you have to be registered.
Fill in you login, password and real email address which will be used to receive account activation code.
Follow link in received email message.
Fill in your information which you want to share with other users. Nobody will see you postal address except users which will send postage to you.
You can send up to 20 postcards and up to 20 souvenirs to other users simultaniously. If you want to send more, you have to wait until someone receive one of your postcards or souvenirs.
You can click "Give me another user" if you want another user.
Click "Send postcard to this user"
Send postcard to the give address according to instructions on the page
Attach photos of sent postcard
You can see status of all sent postcards at my send postcards page. When other user receive your postcard, received date will be shown at this page.
In order to receive postcard or souvenir you should send postcard or souvenir. The more postcards or souvenirs you send, the more you receive!
Fill in you real postal address at the profile page
If someone receive postcard or souvenir from you and you fill in your postal address, then other users will be able to send postcard or souvenir to you. Wait until receive postcard or souvenir from other user.
Go to Postcard Exchange -> Receive Postcard and fill in the code written at this postcard.
Attach some photos of received postcard
You can see all received postcards at the Postcard Exchange -> My Received Postcards page.