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Тег "Книжный". #229

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Elsa 12 октября 2023 г., 11:16

HERE A PASSAGE FROM THE BOOK "Homeland Stories" - "Geschichten aus der Heimat"
BY Дмитрий Алексеевич Глуховский

- Dmitry Glukhovsky - Дмитрий Алексеевич Глуховский -

Russian author and journalist best known for the science fiction novel Metro 2033
He was put on the Russian federal wanted list for his criticism of the war in Ukraine
Now he lives in Germany and has published his new book "Geschichten aus der Heimat" - "Homeland Stories"

"Of course, like all of us, I couldn´t see, that a war like this became reality.
Sure, I always have painted apocalyptic scenarios in my books,
but at the same time never really believed that such a monstrous barbarism,
such senseless cruelty in the 21st century could be possible
and that a nation gets lead and simply misled by unspeakable propaganda lies.
But this war brokes out and has been going on for many months now.
And Russia, my homeland, started it.
How and when did this ominous change took place?
How could this world power, which once broke with totalitarianism,
voluntarily armies withdrew from Europe and with great enthusiasm
followed the United States and the West,
become again a rogue regime for the rest of the world
and feels nothing but anger?
How could it happen that this nation,
had escaped Egyptian captivity and already heading towards freedom,
and in the middle of the desert it began to miss the whip
and from there it returned alone to his overseers?
When did these strange, ugly Demons possessed Russia,
who now compel in thrashing around uncontrollably,
pushing worst wishes and absurd accusations
and snorting at his neighbors to strangle them?
And what are these demons?
This demon , let me call it a disease, has a name: mythomania.
mythomania - on the one hand - in the sense of an obsessive fascination with myths,
with which the hard, ugly, unbearable,
often enough tragically pathetic reality should be veiled -
and on the other hand - in psychological logical-medical sense,
mythomania as the controllable urges to lie and pretend,
even if the lie is obvious and open to everyone,
in recognizing to lie even if there only disadvantages arise from this.
The truth is: my country has been always in the last thirty years,
since the collapse of the Soviet Union,
a corrupt banana republic to the core – comparable to certain Latin American and African States –
Russia has been and has remained to this day,
that it only sold oil and gas instead of bananas,
and with that it blackmails the rest of the world.
The people who have come to power by chance,
all of them failures and absolute mediocrities,
have sucked the sore udder of this once so important world power
and they milked it to the last drop.
And exactly these Minions of fate,
these self-proclaimed tsars,
try to immortalise themselves by using all possible means, strenuously.
They have to convince the kraal nature of their power,
especially because they are aware that their power is pure coincidence,
they now embarrassingly trying to cover their bare asses with heroic myths.
At the beginning they tried to be like a progressive, modern, democratic state.
Now they are struggling to stage our banana republic as horrifying revenant of a Soviet Union,
Stalin-like, in a keen way. But in reality it is both -
just clumsy dabbling in one State facade made of windblown plasterboard.
They only use it to mask Russia´s running processes.
The processes of rottenness, collapse,
frenetic pillages It's a never-ending story of fraud and self-deception,
where men in power lie to the poor and lawless people who only striving for a decent life.
They tell them its a historical mission to which people must sacrifice everything,
just like their parents and grandparents did. After all Russia is surrounded by enemies,
"threatening clouds darken the light«,
as it was already a century ago written in a revolutionary song,
which is still today again and again the sound for Russian TV propaganda.
The Magnificence and Importance of Russia
becomes the justification for the worthless life of Russian citizens.
This is Russia: my unfortunate, unfathomable Home to which I may never return-
My country in its senseless fight against the rest of the world -
I do not wish defeat but healing, driving out the demons that possessed it,
atonement for what it has done and it is still doing to Ukraine, and reconciliation with itself."

Elsa 12 октября 2023 г., 10:42

11. Oktober 2023 um 20:55
§ Троекратное ура!

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Elsa 12 октября 2023 г., 10:35


Леонид Волков получил премию «за борьбу против дезинформации и пропаганды»

Леонида Волкова Минюст России считает «иностранными агентами»

"Книга, которую я написал "PUTINLAND",
два месяца провела в списке бестселлеров и, видимо,
действительно воспринимается как какой-то свежий взгляд на Россию
и на происходящее в ней.
Формулировку «За борьбу против дезинформации и пропаганды»‎
понимаю как оценку работы всей команды ФБК***.
Вклад в борьбу с Путиным на информационном фронте является очень важным,
и его невозможно недооценить."

Есть и другая радостная новость: кажется, все получается с русскоязычным изданием книги
Это будет не перевод с немецкого; по сути, я ее переписываю заново для русскоязычного читателя.

bond1985 12 октября 2023 г., 01:11
