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This group is dedicated to collecting and sharing buttons. #55

Collectibles buttons.
Sharing buttons.
Photos rare and expensive buttons.
History of the buttons.
If you know something interesting about the buttons and their stories - write!
If you are a collector of buttons - show us his collection of buttons!
This group is dedicated to collecting and sharing buttons.

Members (41)


Elsa 19 listopada 2022 14:51






🇹​​​​​🇭​​​​​🇪​​​​​ 🇼​​​​​🇭​​​​​🇴​​​​​🇱​​​​​🇪​​​​​ 🇼​​​​​🇴​​​​​🇷​​​​​🇱​​​​​🇩​​​​​ 🇮​​​​​🇸​​​​​ 🇹​​​​​🇮​​​​​🇷​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇩​​​​​ 🇴​​​​​🇫​​​​​ 🇷​​​​​🇺​​​​​🇿🇿🇮​​​​​🇦​​​​​´🇸​​​​​ 🇼​​​​​🇦​​​​​🇷​​​​​, 🇱​​​​​🇮​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇸​​​​​ 🇦​​​​​🇳​​​​​🇩​​​​​ 🇸​​​​​🇹​​​​​🇺​​​​​🇵​​​​​🇮​​​​​🇩​​​​​🇮​​​​​🇹​​​​​🇾​​​​​!

Nolif 20 października 2015 17:04

Second life for buttons...

Meggi_Larson 22 października 2015 12:51

very original, it is you do?

kanmoi78 9 października 2015 14:26

Hello, I am interested in collecting buttons

u79 7 października 2015 12:46

I have a collection you have somebody buttons with pictures of flowers? I collect flowers

sadalibandu 4 października 2015 12:55

Hi, I'm from South Africa, I want to change something
Sorry for my English

aruba 3 października 2015 17:03

I change anything with great pleasure