Groups & Shops

Exchanging of regional or national, tarot cards or playing cards (single cards or full deck of cards) \Обмен, региональные или национальные карты таро или игральные карты (одиночные карты или полная колода карт)

Top countries


From United States / Oklahoma / Weatherford

Rating: 8


Postcards 2 2
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Julie
Sex Female


My name is Julie. I`m 21. And I`m from Russia. But now live in the USA.
Want to receive a lot of cards from all over the world.
I love adventure. I like travelling, to meet different people and see awesome places. Leading an Eco Life. Doing a planet protection. My hobby - horse riding for 14 years,theater and dance. Tried myself in many ways. My dream is to visit San Francisco and Spain. Now self-study Spanish.

Exchange Preferences

I want to get some unusual, unique, strange postcards!!!
Don`t like city views(( (!)
Also all the card connected to:
Johnny Depp, Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, Ian Somerholder;
Harry Potter, Prison Break, The Vampire Diaries,The Fast and the Furious, Resident Evil, Heroes, Gossip Girl.
