Groups & Shops

Selfmade postcards and Papercraft random exchange
Я тебя люблю!!!!!!

Top countries


From Ukraine / Volyns'ka Oblast' / Kovel

Rating: 10


Postcards 2 3
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Valia
Sex Female
Date Of Birth Oct 10, 1998


My name is Valia, I'm 14, this year I attend the Secondary School.)
I collect the packs with sugar which my friends bring me from all over the world)

Exchange Preferences

I prefer the cards
- made by yourself
- drawn cards (especially lovely owls)
- Gossip Girl
- cartoons

- Magnets
- A lot of postcards
- letter
- Little surprise
- Multi-colored envelopes

Thanks: 3
