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From Malaysia / Kuala Lumpur / Kuala Lumpur

Rating: 208


Postcards 37 22
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name masna nawawi
Sex Female
Date Of Birth Jul 30, 1980



Ever since I know postcrossing, I’m totally addicted to postcards.

Don't forget to write down the date when you write to me.i am so curious about the time of the card travel to me.

Don't sent any reuse, pig, dog, alcohol, nude, sexy & religious postcard!

I'm looking forward to receiving your beautiful postcards and stamp.

Note : I'm in love with blue cat postcard by rina Z from Minsk, Belarus.
Really appreciate it if you can sent the card to me.

Exchange Preferences

Looking to receive the postcard with beautiful stamps from your's country.
Any kind of postcards from around the world are welcome
