Groups & Shops

SkyCrossing in Minsk
Collecting empty matchboxes.

Top countries


From India / Goa / Madgaon

Rating: 1408


Postcards 227 236
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 1

Personal Info

Sex Male

Exchange Preferences

I collect stamps. Hence, I would appreciate receiving commemorative stamps as postage on postcards (I use commemoratives when I send postcards). You can use any commemorative stamps, but the following themes would be most welcome (not in order of preference)-
1. Royalty
2. UNESCO World Heritage Sites
3. World Wars
4. Europa Stamps

I would really appreciate if you send me any nice postcard. But if you are thinking of which card to choose, you can select the following themes (not in order of preference)-
1. Royalty (Kings, Queens, Princes etc.)
2. UNESCO World Heritage Sites (kindly send them from country of origin only. For instance, a Taj Mahal card from the U.K. is not a great idea!)
3. World Wars (for example, World War I Centenary)
4. National Memorial of your nation & War Memorials
5. Famous authors or politicians of your nation
6. Museums
7. Heritage Monuments
8. Your nation's Parliament and Courts/ Tribunals
9. Famous Battles and Wars
10. Anything related to history, law or politics
11. Azulejos Tiles (Portugal)
12. Palaces
13. Any card from my favourites

I would be happy if you could write about the site on the card.
If your country has issued a stamp on "postcrossing", please use it on the card if possible.

No advertisement postcards please. Also refrain from sending Christmas and New Year Cards, Erotica, & Hand made cards.

On the card, write the name of your city and date of posting please. Also write about the card, as in what it depicts. I prefer information about the card, rather than your personal details.

To be frank, I don't like the sender's personal details on the card. Please do write the date and name of city/ town where posted.

Note: Please do not send the card in an envelope. I like to see the postmark on cards.

