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Stop the War in Ukraine

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From Russian Federation / Moskva / Balashikha

Rating: 489


Postcards 87 63
Souvenirs 2 2
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Tatyana
Sex Female
Date Of Birth Feb 16, 1970


Phone +79150308549


Hi! My name is Tatyana. I'm from Russia. I live in a beautiful place Saltykovka near Moscow. Previously, there was an estate of the Princes Dolgoruky. Now part of the park, a cascade of ponds and an old church remain from it.

I have a dacha in a small village near the ancient city of the Golden Ring of Russia, Pereslavl-Zalessky. I love animals. I have dogs Misha and Berta and a cat Ryzhik.
I run a blog about mysticism, so if you like to write letters, tell me your mystical story, I will be very happy about it!

Exchange Preferences

I collect old Christmas toys and postcards. I will be especially pleased with postcards on the following topics:
1. Christmas and New Year, especially vintage ones
2. Fantastic animals
3. Postcards related to national holidays (Thanksgiving, Halloween and others)
4.Postcards with illustrations by Beatrice Potter.
5. Rural landscapes.
I don't like advertising and political postcards. I ask people with aggressive religious or nationalist views to refrain from their propaganda.
Please do not send homemade postcards! I respect creative people, but I prefer ordinary postcards. I wish you joy and good luck today and always!
