Groups & Shops

Stop the War in Ukraine
The exchange of empty cigarette packs.

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From Germany / Berlin / Berlin-Hohenschönhausen

Rating: 805


Postcards 121 161
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Sex Female
Date Of Birth Apr 2, 1994


Hi! My name is Justyna and I live in Berlin. I come from a small Polish village. I visit my parents almost every weekend. I love animals. I have three dogs at home in Poland. I like visiting animal shelters and taking dogs for a walk. I can make them a little bit happier this way. I love helping others, it really makes me happy. When it comes to the postcard, every kind of postcard will be welcome. I'm not fussy :)

I'm in Germany on working days, at weekends I'm in Poland. Postcards are always sent from Poland, because I write on them and my mom sends them. It makes her happu :)

If you write me your adress on the postcard , you give me a chance to send you a Thank you Card .

Exchange Preferences

Everything :)

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