Groups & Shops

Postcards from Brazil
Lord of the Rings
Зачинается рассказ/Тут и сказочке конец.

Aktive Länder


Woher China / Guangdong / Guangzhou Shi

Bewertung: 2


Postkarten 0 1
Souvenirs 0 0
Sendungen in Gruppen 0 0

Persönliche Daten

Geschlecht Frau

Über mich

Hello everyone! My name is Fannie. I'm a piano teacher. I live in Guangzhou, southern China.

I love to learn about other languages and cultures.
I look forward to receiving any kind of postcard from around the world, Especially those cards could show me your culture.
Please write me a sentence in your language if it's possible.
Thank you!


Just everything~



  • Dieser Benutzer hat eine Postkarte ID-49 vom Benutzer lune9 erhalten