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Woher Thailand / Krung Thep / Bangkok

Bewertung: 0


Postkarten 0 0
Souvenirs 0 0
Sendungen in Gruppen 0 0

Persönliche Daten

Geschlecht Frau

Über mich

Hi! I'm Nink.17
I'm looking for penpals to talk about everything ;)
When I was a child I wanted to grow up to be a mermaid... Unfortunatly, I'm now a High School student ._.
I live in Bangkok,Thailand
I like to hang out with my friends and listen to music, watching movies and just enjoy life. I love photography. And I also love drawing. I draw a lot. btw I wish I could play guitar ._.

I would love to learn tons of more languages and cultures!


I would like to receive letters from
around the world. I am looking for my penpal to be between16-20 &I’d like someone who sends handwritten letters.