Groups & Shops

Обмен косметикой и косметическими средствами из разных городов и стран | The exchange of cosmetics and cosmetic products from different cities and countries
TROC, échange PARFUM
Keychain брелок Schlüsselanhänger

Aktive Länder


Woher Portugal / Aveiro / Abitureira

Bewertung: 0


Postkarten 0 0
Souvenirs 0 0
Sendungen in Gruppen 0 0

Persönliche Daten

Geschlecht Frau

Über mich

Hey everyone! I'm Mariana from Portugal and I'm 20.
I speak Portuguese, Englis and Spanish so feel free to write to me in any of these languages.
I love music, poetry, tea and food ^_____^


I would like to get typical things from whatever country you're from. Too bad we can't send food via mail ^^'