Groups & Shops

Обмен монетами. Коллекционирование монет. Exchange of coins. Collecting coins.

Aktive Länder


Woher Russian Federation / Moskva / Sergiyevskiy Posad

Bewertung: 4


Postkarten 2 0
Souvenirs 0 0
Sendungen in Gruppen 0 0

Persönliche Daten

Wirklicher Name Анна
Geschlecht Frau

Über mich

My name is Anna, me 33 year old.
I live in a beautiful town - Sergiev Posad, not far from Moscow.
I married and I am mum of two remarkable sons - twins, to it of 6 years old.
- Сartoons (my 6-year old sons adores them);
- Collection of cards ANNE GEDDES;
- Mother and the child;
- Children;
- Lady Diana - the princess of Wales;
- Royal families;
- Different trades;
- Hockey, football, biathlon, figure skating;
- Elephants;
- Pets;
- Tasty national meal, sweets, drinks;
- Grapes, vineyards;
- Christmas cards;


- Сartoons (my 6-year old sons adores them);
- Collection of cards ANNE GEDDES;
- Mother and the child;
- Children;
- Lady Diana - the princess of Wales;
- Royal families;
- Different trades;
- Hockey, football, biathlon, figure skating;
- Elephants;
- Pets;
- Tasty national meal, sweets, drinks;
- Grapes, vineyards;
- Christmas cards;
Still I love a beautiful stamps.
If you have used (extinguished) stamps which you could send me, I will be very happy! I as not against cards in an envelope.

Please don't send a handmade card!



  • Der Benutzer Enzo hat von diesem Benutzer eine Postkarte erhalten RU-11664

  • Der Benutzer KateW hat von diesem Benutzer eine Postkarte erhalten RU-11663