Groups & Shops

The exchange of national attributes
Exchanging of regional or national, tarot cards or playing cards (single cards or full deck of cards)
One day in my life (envelope exchange)

Pays actifs


D'où Russian Federation / Moskva / Kotelniki

Cote: 8


Cartes 2 2
Souvenirs 0 0
Envois dans les groupes 0 0

Information personnelle

Sexe Fém.
Date de naissance 16 juin 1997

Sur moi

Hi. My name is Katya. I am 16 years old. Play the violin. I live in Moscow. I have a brother and sister. I love to sing and listen to music.

Préférences en échange

I love gifts: figurines, magnets, key chains, postcards, tickets, coins and even shirts! Collect symbolism countries) I will answer you!
