Groups & Shops

Fridge Magnets Exchange (Magnetcrossing)

Aktive Länder


Woher Russian Federation / Saint Petersburg City / Saint Petersburg

Bewertung: 0


Postkarten 0 0
Souvenirs 0 0
Sendungen in Gruppen 0 0

Persönliche Daten

Wirklicher Name Natalia Novikova
Geschlecht Frau
Geburtsdatum 13.02.1994


Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

Über mich

I love Jane Austen's novels and Oscar Wilde. I write novels, poems and short stories, too. I enjoy dancing, singing, talking and long walks when the weather is warm and sunny. I am really interested in cultural studies - so it is both my profession and my hobby. I like travelling and have visited lots of countries.


Hello to everyone! I would be pleased to get a beautiful letter as it has been used some centuries ago. Postcards or some interesting books would be great, too! I love nature, animals, music and, certainly, I would be happy to get any souvenirs connected with my favourite celebrities - David Garrett, Adam Lambert, Chris Evans, Andrea Bocelli and Scorpions. Nethertheless, any postcard or souvenir will bring me happiness! Good luck everyone!