الجماعات والمحلات التجارية

BL(Boy's Love) postcard exchange
Обмен открытками из Казани

الدول الفاعلة

Lord of the Rings #227

المستخدمون (3)


October 15, 2023 AD at 1:04 PM

المستخدم٪toLink٪ تلقت طردا٪ postageLink من المستخدم ٪fromLink٪

Elsa September 14, 2023 AD at 10:09 AM

Ruzzians lose one ship, submarine and 620 soldiers in past 24 hours

Ukrainian soldiers are continuing to crush the Ruzzian forces and destroy their equipment −
over the past day alone they destroyed a Russian ship,
a submarine, 47 UAVs, 42 artillery systems, 18 armoured vehicles and 15 tanks.

The total combat losses of Russian troops between 24 February 2022 and 14 September 2023
are estimated to be as follows:

approximately 270,970 (+620) military personnel
4,599 (+15) tanks
8,810 (+18) armoured combat vehicles
5,944 (+42) artillery systems769 (+3) multiple-launch rocket systems
517 (+0) air defence systems
315 (+0) fixed-wing aircraft
316 (+0) helicopters
4,697 (+47) tactical UAVs
1,455 (+0) cruise missiles
20 (+1) ships/boats
1 (+1) submarines
8,458 (+14) vehicles and tankers
889 (+5) other vehicles and equipment

Минус корабль, субмарина и 620 солдат − потери Роzzии за сутки
Украинские воины продолжают уничтожать роzzийских оккупантов и их технику −
только за минувшие сутки ликвидировали вражеский корабль,
подводную лодку, 47 БПЛА, 42 артиллерийские системы, 18 ББМ и 15 танков.

Троекратное ура!
to The Lord of the Z(eroes)
to The Kremlin's Gollum

September 13, 2023 AD at 10:09 PM

المستخدم٪toLink٪ تلقت طردا٪ postageLink من المستخدم ٪fromLink٪

July 13, 2023 AD at 11:58 AM

المستخدم٪toLink٪ تلقت طردا٪ postageLink من المستخدم ٪fromLink٪

June 22, 2023 AD at 4:26 PM

المستخدم٪toLink٪ تلقت طردا٪ postageLink من المستخدم ٪fromLink٪

May 8, 2023 AD at 6:04 PM

المستخدم٪toLink٪ تلقت طردا٪ postageLink من المستخدم ٪fromLink٪

April 21, 2023 AD at 5:56 AM

المستخدم٪toLink٪ تلقت طردا٪ postageLink من المستخدم ٪fromLink٪

Elsa April 15, 2023 AD at 7:33 PM

The Lord of the Z(eroes)
Kremlin's Gollum

April 15, 2023 AD at 3:11 PM

المستخدم٪toLink٪ تلقت طردا٪ postageLink من المستخدم ٪fromLink٪

April 12, 2023 AD at 10:56 PM

المستخدم٪toLink٪ تلقت طردا٪ postageLink من المستخدم ٪fromLink٪