Groups & Shops

Collecting empty matchboxes.
Fridge Magnets Exchange (Magnetcrossing)
Обмен плюшевыми игрушками (Exchange plush toys)

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Saint Petersburg City / Saint Petersburg

Rating: 22


Postcards 8 3
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Evgenia
Sex Female

Exchange Preferences

I'm Evgenia, live in Petergof, town near Saint-Petersburg famous for it's fountains, palaces and parks. I like to travel, I was in many european countries and in the USA, most of all I liked England, Ireland and Iceland). My favourite places in Russia are Vladivostok, Sakhalin and Kurily islands. I just like islands very much)) I dream to visit Kamchatka, Altay and Baikal lake.
All kinds of postcards are welcome, and here are some items I especially like:
lighthouses, the sea
beautiful landscapes/nature
gardens, Alice in Wonderland
ships, boats
maps, Greetings From
your national food and drinks (especially beer)
Toucan, koala bear, penguin
Sherlock,Drakula, Švejk

P.S. If your card sent to me is expired, please let me know about it.
