Groups & Shops

book with your hands (mobile notebook)
Значки, знаки, награды, шевроны, нашивки, погоны
Exchange of pens and pencils (local, regional, national). \ Обмен ручками и карандашами (местными, региональными, национальными).

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From United States / New York / Rego Park

Rating: 262


Postcards 35 49
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Sachin Rochlani
Sex Male
Date Of Birth Mar 6, 1988


Phone 3477070745


Currently enrolled in a master's program. I want to become an elementary school teacher.


My name is Sachin, but I go by "Sean". I am originally from Detroit, but I live in New York City. I work at an elementary school as a teacher assistant, and I am in the process of earning a master's degree. I want to become a teacher. I am also a track & field coach.

I like working out, running, traveling, hiking, good conversation, sports, reading, writing, food, coffee shops, book stores, meeting new people, adventure

Exchange Preferences

I'm interested in receiving any postcard. I like bridges, cities, mountains, culture, sports, people. Please do not send homemade cards. I also am not a fan of cards of animals, paintings, or flowers. However, I will be happy with anything you send me!

Please tell me about yourself, and about where you live! What's the best thing about your city? If you don't feel comfortable with writing in English, please write in your language. I will ask a friend to translate it for me.
