Groups & Shops

Postcards with river / lake (or sea)
Exchange of pens and pencils (local, regional, national). \ Обмен ручками и карандашами (местными, региональными, национальными).
Hungarian postcrossing

Top countries


From France / Basse-Normandie / Vire

Rating: 10


Postcards 4 1
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Sex Female
Date Of Birth Apr 25, 1961



  • This user received postcard US-87 from user keithrlarson

  • User Olga- received postcard FR-8 from this user

  • User Krista05 received postcard FR-7 from this user

  • User Oksanna received postcard FR-9 from this user

  • User yanlei received postcard FR-11 from this user