Groups & Shops

képeslapok / postcards
Collective Art Project / совместный арт-проект
Обмен открытками из Казани

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Moscow City / Moscow

Rating: 6


Postcards 1 1
Souvenirs 1 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Eugenia
Sex Female


I like to receive postcards and any surprises very much! And I like to travel and meet whith new friends.

I like animals, sun and soap :)

Exchange Preferences

I prefer the following cards:
- animals (especially pandas and rabbits);
- zoos from different cities;
- cars;
- cartoons;
- old cards.

I'm collecting a small calendars, coins, soaps and playing cards from different countries.

But of course, I would be happy any card and souvenir.

I'm looking forward your letter!




  • This user received postcard RU-13821 from user Ulle

  • User Nau_ received souvenir RU-8013 from this user

  • User xxxxxx received postcard RU-12893 from this user