Groups & Shops

Postcard Exchange
Old vinyl records (Старые грампластинки)

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Moscow City / Moscow

Rating: 7


Postcards 2 1
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Sex Female

Exchange Preferences

Hi! My name is Juliya. I'm from Moscow, Russia.

I'd like to collect postcards since I like traveling and I'd like to know more about the culture of your country / city :) my hobbies are cooking, dancing, walking and cinema.

if you haven't got any idea about what to send me, here's something I'd like to receive (but of course it isn't a must...these are just the brief suggestions):

1. architecture
2. your country / city views
3. small postcards (about 10cm*15cm)

Please receive cards without envelopes!

Please write the date, ID and something about picture on the card when you send the postcard to me. once I've received your card, I'll register the card as soon as possible!

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