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Обмен открытками из Казани
Postaler@s en español

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From China / Liaoning / Anshan

Rating: 2


Postcards 1 0
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Sex Male
Date Of Birth Feb 4, 2001



Exchange Preferences

I like the postcards of the local scenery.I also particularly like postcards about trains, steam locomotives, railway tracks, railway facilities, etc.Of course other postcards can also ok. I hope you can write about the local folklore and culture, or some legends and stories, and also introduce the topics related to the postcards you sent to me.You can also write letters to me directly, I hope to make pen pals from all over the world.I hope the staff of the post office can make the postmark very clear.



  • User dorothy received postcard CN-1179 from this user