Groups & Shops

Travelling around the world
Folded greeting cards

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Belgorod / Belgorod

Rating: 18


Postcards 6 3
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name София
Sex Female
Date Of Birth Jan 24, 1986


Меня зовут София, мне 27 лет. У меня небольшая семья: муж и маленький сынок! Работаю в детскому саду!
Буду рада любой вашей открытке!

My name is Sophia, I'm 27 years old. I have a small family: husband and young son! I work in a kindergarten!
Any card you chose for me is the one I want. All the cards I receive will be loved and well cared for.
