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One day in my life (envelope exchange)

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Marina Demidova

From Russian Federation / Moscow City / Moscow

Rating: 4


Postcards 2 0
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Marina Demidova/Марина Демидова
Sex Female
Date Of Birth Dec 13, 1989


Hello everyone!!! My name is Marina and I'm from Moscow! I love life! I love dancing. Do Arab dancing for several years! I love my cat. I love to cook and read. Want to see the World and want to receive and send postcards to a wonderful people! I'd be happy to correspond with You! Wish you happiness and love!
I love:
- local attractions
- local landscapes
- national costumes
- national patterns, lace.
- national food
- national dances, festivals and celebrations.
In General, all that can tell about Your country, culture, people, art.

I would be happy if You write me about interesting traditions, legend, and custom in Your country.


Exchange Preferences

I love:
- local attractions
- local landscapes
- national costumes
- national patterns, lace.
- national food
- national dances, festivals and celebrations.
In General, all that can tell about Your country, culture, people, art.

I would be happy if You write me about interesting traditions, legend, and custom in Your country.



