Groups & Shops

Обмен сувенирными ложками с символикой городов и стран (souvenir spoon with symbols of the city)
Обмен лотерейными билетами. Exchange lottery tickets!
Catholic souvenirs exchange (Wymiana katolickimi pamiątkami)

Top countries


From Singapore / Singapore / Singapore

Rating: 8


Postcards 2 1
Souvenirs 1 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Desterni Loke
Sex Female
Date Of Birth Aug 31, 1965


GCE O Level


I would like to hear from you all because building awareness and promoting my and your country is a win-win situation for both of us.

Exchange Preferences

Postcards, Short Description about your country, Light, small, inexpensive but representative souvenirs of your country .




  • User Lebedok received souvenir SG-1 from this user

  • User Vashti received postcard SG-1 from this user

  • This user received postcard US-483 from user aurorachona

  • User dorothy received postcard SG-2 from this user