Groups & Shops

Exchanging of regional or national, tarot cards or playing cards (single cards or full deck of cards)
Postaler@s en español

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Udmurt / Izhevsk

Rating: 4


Postcards 1 1
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0


Hi 👋 my name is Anna I am 23 years old. I am a biology and computer science teacher by education. I have ALS, just like the famous Professor Stephen Hawking. I want to send as many postcards as possible to leave a piece of myself around the world. Appreciate and love life! Every moment... Don't stop dreaming! I dream about the sea... Even as a child, the first time I visited the sea, I fell in love with it. Next to him, I feel calm, I feel aesthetic pleasure, thoughts stop flying and gather into a single whole. And it doesn't matter if there are pebbles or sand, because it doesn't prevent you from feeling the movement of waves and the embrace of sea waters. I hope this wasn't the last time I saw him. One day I will be able to feel part of it again.

Exchange Preferences

I like beautiful postage stamps. It would be nice to receive a postcard in an envelope in which you can put trinkets (candy wrappers, coins, stickers, bookmarks, stamps, tickets, brochures, little sachets of sugar, tea).

Postcard themes:
- your country / city / culture / maps
- sea / lighthouse / lakes / mountains
- books / writer / library
- Vikings
- lions / lionesses
- DC / Rick and Morty / Game of thrones / The Witcher
- illustrations
- paintings by Edvard Munch / Vincent van Gogh
- Eurovision Song Contest / Kpop
- Everything related to programming and IT

