Groups & Shops

Обмен косметикой и косметическими средствами из разных городов и стран | The exchange of cosmetics and cosmetic products from different cities and countries
Old vinyl records (Старые грампластинки)
обмен журналами Burda и выкройками Burda magazines and patterns

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Софья Ермоленко

From Russian Federation / Sverdlovsk / Sverdlovsk-44

Rating: 6


Postcards 0 0
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 3

Personal Info

Real Name Софья Ермоленко
Sex Female


I’m from Russia. Always wanted to communicate with foreigners. I will gladly send a parcel from my country and receive it from another

Exchange Preferences

Traditional food, interesting souvenirs to learn something new about your country)