Groups & Shops

Secret Santa 2020
Сюрпризная бандеролька
Обмен открытками на спортивную тематику.

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Bryansk / Bryansk

Rating: 5


Postcards 0 0
Souvenirs 1 1
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Анастасия
Sex Female
Date Of Birth May 10, 1999


Hello! :) My name is Anastasia. I'm from Russia, I'm 17 years old. I like to do things with their hands, I love creativity. I'm also a fan of movies, TV shows and books. More I love motorcycles and Rastafarian. I would be happy to receive a postcard, photo or something of your seats. I will be interested in every detail of your country. It is also ready to send a one :)))

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