Groups & Shops

Photo of my city
Моя Россия. И не только
Обмен интересными фотографиями в стиле Polaroid из различных городов и стран | The exchange of interesting photos in Polaroid style from different cities and countries

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Moscow City / Moscow

Rating: 14


Postcards 5 2
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Ekaterina
Sex Female

Exchange Preferences

Hi! My name is Ekaterina. In postcrossing I recently and I really like it. Postcards I prefer: views of cities, sights of cities and countries,monuments, flowers, animals, children, fruits, people, sea, ocean, planes, trains, all that is connected with the post well and just beautiful cards. I will be madly glad to any card.
