Groups & Shops

Meetup postcards
Сюрпризная бандеролька
Wish cards

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From Russian Federation / Sverdlovsk / Yekaterinburg

Rating: 353


Postcards 46 82
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 3

Personal Info

Real Name Елена
Sex Female
Date Of Birth 13 maj 1983

Exchange Preferences

Hi! My name is Elena. I live in a small town in the Sverdlovsk region.
I enjoy watching movies, listening to music and reading before sleep. Therefore, it would be great if you can share with me the books you've recently been reading. I collect coins and banknotes from different countries, today in my collection coins and banknotes from 15 countries.
I would like to have cards, illustrating:
- your flag and national emblem of your country or national emblems of your cities;
- cities and landscapes of your country; views of the place, you live in.
I’d like to have cards with some illustrations of your literary heroes, some people of your country, your national costumes, customs, traditions and national holidays of your country. I really like stamps with animals.
Tell me about your country, about traditions, or any interesting fact about your country. You can write something about yourself or your hometown on the postcard, or why you chose this postcard. You can write about your thoughts and dreams or just describe what you do today / plan for tomorrow...I will be very glad if you will draw any animal!

I will be glad a new acquaintance, do not forget to specify the date on the postcard!
