Groups & Shops

Sailor Moon [Сейлор Мун]
Written Recipes on Postcards
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Matthias KL

From Germany / Rheinland-Pfalz / Kaiserslautern

Rating: 128


Postcards 10 9
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 6 9

Personal Info

Real Name Matthias
Sex Male
Date Of Birth 17 mar 1966


My name ist Matthias, I live in Germany. I love to get known to people. I am also interested in other Countries and to learn more about cultures. So here are my suggestions about my favorites, but this are only suggestions:

I love art so my favorite theme is the art that is typical for your country. That may be a typical artist (painter, photographer, designer, architect.....) typical arts (paintings, objects, architecture, sculptures, handcrafts) or art that has something to do with your country. But I am interested in every other things that are typical for you, for your country, for your culture, or your food or anything else of the everyday live in your country or area. It doesn'´t matter what it is.

As a Football-Fan (Soccer, not American Football) I also love views of Footballstadiums of your country or Postcards about your Football-Clubs (not only 1st League Clubs, also Amateur Clubs and not so famous ones).

I also like season cards of seasons that are celebrated in your country, culture ore any religion (christmas, new year, easter, Tet-celebration in Vietnam, Chinese New Year, Festa Janina in Brasil, Tamkhrarit, Chanukka...) It's so interesting to learn about this. but please only in the time of these seasons. So please don´t send christmas cards in summer or easter cards in december ;-)

But every kind of postcards are welcome (for example I love self-made cards, special shaped cards, cards in envelopes or any other kind of cards) I love surprises and so feel free to send me the card that you like.

You make me happy when yo use a stamp on your postcard instead of cards stamped by machines because I collect stamps.

I am looking forward to open my postbox and find your postcard.

Please write "Intpostage", or "IP" with the ID-number-code, because I have another account too.

P.S. I am also able to read French. I can´t speak French, but it´s no problem to read cards in French language. So if you speak French you can also write your postcard in French. I am also able to read a little bit Italian and Spanish.

Exchange Preferences

