Groups & Shops

Обмен продуктами питания/Food

Top countries


From Belarus / Minsk / Vileyka

Rating: 52


Postcards 15 11
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Sex Female

Exchange Preferences

What I would like to receive:
-handmade soap
-hand made bag or tote bag with something representative of you country
-useful stuff as: paper clips, notebooks, pen
-traditional coffee, local coffee mix, tea
-art books
-local/traditional plant seeds
- the magnet on the refrigerator,
- Cards with animals, flowers dostoprimechatelnostyami, anime, sets of cards.
- Key chains.
- Spichichnye box.
- The brand.
- Collect dogs
- stickers
thank you!!


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