Groups & Shops

Handmade shop
Freedom & Peace & Victory 4 Ukraine
Postcards sent between us - low number of persons, but active :)

Top countries


From Ukraine / Zaporiz'ka Oblast' / Zaporogye

Rating: 4


Postcards 2 0
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Helga
Sex Female


Actually I'm unicorn :DD
But you can call me Tony,yeah.I'm a trickster . So and I like drawing , writing , learning foreign languages , walking , drinking coffee , cosplay , anime and other.
And I'm Superman. Just shh!But no one should be aware of this~

Exchange Preferences

Umm..Postcards/fridge magnets/открытки/магнитики/открытки со странами и городами/cards of the countries and cities :з

