Groups & Shops

Fridge Magnet exchange?
Folded greeting cards

Top countries


From Romania / Hunedoara / Hunedoara

Rating: 74


Postcards 12 10
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 4 11

Personal Info

Real Name catalina
Sex Female



Exchange Preferences

I appreciate every postcard you send to me and of course, like many of you, I also have a list of preferrences:
-with view of the city (especially with city's name on the front)
- with historic buildings like castles, churches, mosque
-monuments from your country
-GF card
-Map card/Flag card
- animals

I am NOT interested in postcards with:
- flowers;
- holiday cards;-
- home made cards;
- cartoons.

I collect only postcards circulated (written, stamped, sent without envelope to my address), sent from the origin country.

Thank you


  • This user received postcard DE-2449 from user Elsa

  • User dormi received postcard RO-622 from this user

  • User chaba_deme received postcard RO-601 from this user

  • This user received postcard AQ-3 from user WNj

  • This user received postcard HU-2440 from user chaba_deme

  • User Elsa received postcard RO-598 from this user

  • User dorothy received postcard RO-567 from this user

  • This user received postcard DE-2319 from user Elsa

  • User soazig received postcard RO-577 from this user

  • User chaba_deme received postcard RO-576 from this user

  • This user received postcard SK-3 from user chaba_deme

  • This user received postcard HU-2207 from user chaba_deme

  • User fishflies received postcard RO-520 from this user

  • This user received postcard RO-503 from user serasttto

  • This user received postcard CN-880 from user soazig

  • User fishflies received postcard RO-497 from this user

  • User soazig received postcard RO-484 from this user

  • User dorothy received postcard RO-483 from this user

  • This user received postcard RU-45257 from user Aya

  • User dorothy received postcard RO-453 from this user

  • This user received postcard DE-1729 from user Elsa

  • User Elsa received postcard RO-452 from this user