Groups & Shops

Exchanging of regional or national, tarot cards or playing cards (single cards or full deck of cards)
Postcards from Brazil

Top countries


From Malaysia / Selangor / Shah Alam

Rating: 449


Postcards 68 95
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Abuz Zayn Ar Rafa.
Sex Male

Exchange Preferences

I like a postcard with picture of ~
Owl/ Birds of prey
Star Wars/ Batman/ DC Comic
Greeting From official/unofficial
Postcard with name of your country/state/town/village/place in front
Children plays / Old man smile
Minority/ Tribe/ Aboriginal/ Indigenous people of your country
Animal/bird/flower of your country
Flag/Map/Coat of Arms of your country/state/town
Scarecrow/ snowman
Shape/wooden/metal/magnet postcard
Anything you think nice card for me..
Please do not send church card for me. I have too many…
Stick nice variety stamps and air mail par avion label
Thanks so much.
