Groups & Shops

Чайный обмен. (Tea exchange)

Top countries


From Bulgaria / Grad Sofiya / Sofia

Rating: 12


Postcards 3 3
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Sex Female


Hello. I am Sonya from Bulgaria and I am 17 :) This site is like an experiment for me.. Hopefully all will turn out well :) I cannot wait to get your postcards and souvenirs:) I'd like things and postcards that represent your country :) And I'd like to send that mostly :)

Exchange Preferences

Fridge magnets, postcards of your country, hometown, traditional food, clothing, customs, nature :)


  • This user received postcard DE-364 from user Sanny

  • User PVL-TLT received postcard BG-13 from this user

  • This user received postcard RU-12749 from user Belosnezhka

  • This user received postcard TW-9 from user toowii

  • User Youns received postcard BG-11 from this user

  • User Vashti received postcard BG-8 from this user