Groups & Shops

National postcards of Belarus
обмен на автора Л.Гнедкова

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Amur / Belogorsk

Rating: 2


Postcards 1 0
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Sex Female
Date Of Birth Jan 15, 1995




Hello everybody!
My name is Nastya (Anastasia).
I live in the small town of Belogorsk in the Amur region of Russia.
I'm married and have three cats. I love cats. I also like to watch foreign movies and TV series, play Board games and dye my hair in unusual colors. I try to read more, but it doesn't always work out.

Exchange Preferences

I like postcards on the theme of magic and sorcery, cats and other cute animals, Halloween, Alice in Wonderland, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, modern non-Russian films and serials, books and letters.
I also collect promotional cards, but only with beautiful food and drinks. Other topics of advertising cards do not interest me. I am also not interested in religious, military, or sports topics, please keep this in mind.
If You do not have a suitable topic for me, send any card of your choice, the main thing is to write a couple of lines about yourself, I like to read messages on the backs of cards.
Thank you for your attention and happy postcrossing!

