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From Russian Federation / Murmansk / Kandalaksha

Rating: 42


Postcards 5 1
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Sex Female
Date Of Birth Jun 8, 1993


Hello everyone!
My name is Anastasia.
I live in a small town in the far north region of Russia near the border with Finland.

If I could, I would spend my days reading books 24/7. Alas, I live with my two cats and they can be pretty loud when low on food and butt scratches so sometimes I have to multitask and even go outside to get food ;>

I am also quite fond of foreign languages! At the moment I am working my way through declination tables in German while trying to learn a couple of Japanese kanji here and there. My ultimate goal in life is to be able to read Chinese and French since both of these languages have too many wonderful books to resist the temptation! I hope I have enough motivation and brain space to achieve it one day!

As for postcards, I am not too picky. As long as you like the card you send I'm sure to enjoy it as well!
Although, I am a huge fan of fantasy creatures - especially dragons! - so if you happen to have such a card, it would definitely make my day!

Thank you for reading till the end~
