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Rozmowy o wszystkiem (po polsku)

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From Russian Federation / Tver' / Rzhev

Rating: 52


Postcards 10 1
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Konstantin
Sex Male
Date Of Birth Apr 19, 1991


Hi all!

My name is Konstantin.

I love night walks, the splash of water in the river and the light of lanterns, the music, books and needlework. In fact, the list is pretty extensive.

Postcrossing I discovered for myself relatively recently, but I think this is a great opportunity to make new friends, learn something new and please someone a new postcard or a warm word.
I will be glad to receive any postcard, where you write me a few lines.

Exchange Preferences

Special joy will bring postcards with:
- bridges
- Moon
- honeybees
- rivers and streams
- hedgehogs
- little mice
- foxes
- Alice in Wonderland
- Harry Potter
- Game of Thrones
- bicycles

I collect stamps, banknotes and coins. I would be very grateful if you use the special or commemorative stamps. If you have the opportunity to send a postcard in an envelope, I will be very happy to also receive from you a banknote or coin of your country, as well as any stamps.

Thank you and good luck in postcrossing.
