Groups & Shops

SkyCrossing in Minsk
The exchange of empty cigarette packs.

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Udmurt / Bolshaya Kivara

Rating: 52


Postcards 8 3
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Sex Female
Date Of Birth Dec 25, 2006

Exchange Preferences

Dear postcrosser!

I want to introduce myself
So, my name is Alina and I am from Russia, I am 14 years old
I take photos. I can take a picture of you If you want it :D
From time to time I write short stories. They are sad. I hope I will write my own book (because my literature teacher says so, she is cool af)
I am so in love with the USA (I even have really big American flag in my room). I hope I will visit this wonderful place one day (as a tourist or maybe more than just a tourist, who knows)
I wanna be translator or journalist in my future. Or even counselor in the children's camp (I love children a lot).
By the way, I am volunteer and I had been working at the children`s camp as a counselor for whole June 2021

Tell me something about you in your postcard/letter. Write about your hobbies, dream, your country or just about you. You can tell me about your favourite singers/bands or books, movies, etc
Tell me about something nice like flowers and blue skies

I will be glad to receive any postcards from you...))

I also love any tickets :D

I hope we will become good friends^^

Happy postcrossing to everybody!
Good luck

