Groups & Shops

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The card is a payphone . PHONE CARD

Top countries


From Russian Federation / Moscow City / Khimki

Rating: 16


Postcards 0 4
Souvenirs 0 4
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Ksusha
Sex Female


I am girl from cold and northern Russia.


  • This user received souvenir US-74 from user theirmimi

  • This user received souvenir RU-6404 from user nlo040389

  • This user received postcard VE-1 from user losty00

  • This user received souvenir RU-8181 from user masrsn-

  • This user received postcard BY-1225 from user tasya

  • This user received postcard RU-7791 from user neboleu

  • This user received souvenir BY-347 from user tapki

  • This user received postcard BY-382 from user belo4ka