Groups & Shops

Meetup postcards
Snowglobes / Waterglobes Exchange
Inpostage shop in Ukraine

Top countries


From Poland / Malopolskie / Kraków

Rating: 206


Postcards 3 3
Souvenirs 3 2
Group Postages 9 83

Exchange Preferences

Hi, I am interested with souvenirs from all over the world, especially hand-made or typical for your country. I like books and maps. I like surprises :)

About postcards, I collect retro postcards, state postcards from US and Fauna of Belarus series. Tell me something interesting on your postcard :)

Привет, меня интересуют сувениры со всего мира, особенно ручной работы или типичные для вашей страны. Я люблю книги и карты. Люблю сюрпризы :)

Что касается открыток, я собираю ретро-открытки, государственные открытки из США и серии «Фауна Беларуси».
Расскажи что-нибудь интересное на своей открытке :)


  • This user received postcard HK-1922 from user dorothy

  • User dorothy received postcard PL-916 from this user

  • This user received postcard RU-43057 from user Orbita

  • This user received souvenir HU-316 from user chaba_deme

  • This user received souvenir TW-240 from user Bevis

  • User Elsa received postcard PL-902 from this user

  • User fishflies received souvenir PL-281 from this user

  • User meissa50 received souvenir PL-283 from this user

  • This user received postcard RU-42216 from user NVH

  • User chaba_deme received souvenir PL-282 from this user

  • User Elsa received postcard PL-877 from this user