Groups & Shops

Postcards With Bible Verses

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From Russian Federation / Saint Petersburg City / Saint Petersburg

Rating: 8


Postcards 2 2
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Sex Female


мне 21 год Я родилась в Германии, а сейчас живу в России. Я люблю путешествия. Изучаю иностранные языки. Люблю искусство, учусь на экономиста.

I am 18 years old. I was born in Germany and now live in Russia. I love traveling. Learning foreign languages. Love art, studying to be an economist.

Exchange Preferences

Открытки или сувениры с видами города или страны.

Postcards or souvenirs with views of the city or the country.


  • This user received postcard RU-14435 from user Ksanta

  • This user received postcard BY-823 from user HannaZosik

  • User alena received postcard RU-3004 from this user

  • User Porubova received postcard RU-3005 from this user