Groups & Shops

Stupidity group
Touristic leaflets, brochures, small guides / Туристические буклеты, брошюры, мини-гиды.
Rain Lovers

Top countries


From Ukraine / Kirovohrads'ka Oblast' / Kirovograd

Rating: 18


Postcards 5 4
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Exchange Preferences

hi there! i suggest the following "start-up".
each of us has such a card or cards we do not really like so we never sendthem.
so, i will get infinitely glad to recieve your "ugly duck".
just write that it is the worst card from your collection and maybe for me it will be the best?

if such cards you do not have, or you are ashamed to send them (in vain!), then look next.

* Grandmother, pies
* Space, matches, books
* Fall (autumn), smoking, railway stations, trains, metro, maps
* Tea, coffee
* Travelling(!!!) and cameras
* Forest
* Kharkiv, Kyiv, Dnipro
* Any quotes or words
* Old postcards and AD

one more request - stick to card bus / tram / cinema ticket or something like that.
and write lines from your favorite poem!

if you want to exchange in future - just write your address on postcard and I will send you a postcard.

meow :)
