Groups & Shops

From Russia with LoVe
black-white postcards / чёрно-белые открытки
Stop the War in Ukraine

Top countries


From United States / Illinois / Oak Park

Rating: 18


Postcards 5 4
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Jane
Sex Female

Exchange Preferences

I like just about all postcards, except maybe unartistic homemade ones. Nice stamps would be a bonus. I collect stamps, small magnets, souvenir spoons, very small souvenir bells, souvenir cloth patches, Christmas ornaments.


  • This user received postcard RU-18779 from user Katya18

  • This user received postcard RU-13408 from user Sofiko

  • This user received postcard UA-1845 from user Daria_Ka

  • User lkhrisq received postcard US-89 from this user

  • User Kkaterina received postcard US-88 from this user

  • This user received postcard RU-13694 from user Strawberry

  • User Belosnezhka received postcard US-79 from this user

  • User Maxus received postcard US-69 from this user

  • User December received postcard US-66 from this user