Groups & Shops

Hungarian postcrossing
Any kind of postcards / любые открытки :-)
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From Russian Federation / Omsk / Omsk

Rating: 7


Postcards 0 0
Souvenirs 1 1
Group Postages 0 0

Personal Info

Real Name Anastasia
Sex Female
Date Of Birth 1990-05-06


Skype akovaleva_13


Pedagogical University: Foreign languages. linguist, translator, teacher.


I am new here. I like LONDON, rock music, write poems, make smashbooks, walk in the forest. play guitar, think and read literature.

Мне нравится рок-музыка , писать стихи , делать смэшбуки, гулять на природе, играть на гитаре , думать и читать литературу.

Exchange Preferences

I am very happy to get anything connected with London. Please, in your letter or on a postcard tell a little about your hobby, favorite books and musicians and city, or write your favorite poem.
I collect:
- Postcards with your city, musical theme, nature, animals, pop-art
- Stickers
- Articles from US newspapers and magazines
- Handmade
- Pictures
-Small souvenirs
-Temporary tattoos

I send:
- Postcards
- Poem by my authorship
- Letter
- Drawing
- "Love is" pictures
- Newspaper or magazine articles (Russian)
- Tea bags
- Temporary tattoos
- Stickers
Пожалуйста , в письме или на открытке напишите немного о вашем увлечении и городе, перечислите любимые книги и музыкантов.

Я собираю:
- Открытки с видами вашего города.
- Любые наклейки
- Рисунки
- Поделки
- Небольшие сувениры
- Переводные картинки

Я отправляю:
- Открытки
- Love IS
- статьи из журналов и газет
- наклейки

Personal Photos

Show All Photos (3)



  • This user received souvenir RU-13279 from user Lebedok

  • User darvik received souvenir RU-13249 from this user