Groups & Shops

Lord of the Rings
Exchanging of regional or national, tarot cards or playing cards (single cards or full deck of cards)
This group is dedicated to collecting and sharing buttons.

Top countries


From Romania / Hunedoara / Hunedoara

Rating: 74


Postcards 12 10
Souvenirs 0 0
Group Postages 4 11

Personal Info

Real Name catalina
Sex Female



Exchange Preferences

I appreciate every postcard you send to me and of course, like many of you, I also have a list of preferrences:
-with view of the city (especially with city's name on the front)
- with historic buildings like castles, churches, mosque
-monuments from your country
-GF card
-Map card/Flag card
- animals

I am NOT interested in postcards with:
- flowers;
- holiday cards;-
- home made cards;
- cartoons.

I collect only postcards circulated (written, stamped, sent without envelope to my address), sent from the origin country.

Thank you


  • This user received postcard DE-2449 from user Elsa

  • User dormi received postcard RO-622 from this user

  • User chaba_deme received postcard RO-601 from this user

  • This user received postcard AQ-3 from user WNj

  • This user received postcard HU-2440 from user chaba_deme

  • User Elsa received postcard RO-598 from this user

  • User dorothy received postcard RO-567 from this user

  • This user received postcard DE-2319 from user Elsa

  • User soazig received postcard RO-577 from this user

  • User chaba_deme received postcard RO-576 from this user

  • This user received postcard SK-3 from user chaba_deme

  • This user received postcard HU-2207 from user chaba_deme

  • User fishflies received postcard RO-520 from this user

  • This user received postcard RO-503 from user serasttto

  • This user received postcard CN-880 from user soazig

  • User fishflies received postcard RO-497 from this user

  • User soazig received postcard RO-484 from this user

  • User dorothy received postcard RO-483 from this user

  • This user received postcard RU-45257 from user Aya

  • User dorothy received postcard RO-453 from this user

  • This user received postcard DE-1729 from user Elsa

  • User Elsa received postcard RO-452 from this user